Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Dedicated To Leaping Hearts

This one's dedicated to leaping hearts :-)

Your love makes me
Without you, I am small.
My million possibilities,
In your absence, I achieve little.
There is nothing more beautiful than you.

My greatest adventure,
Without you, life's dull.
You put a smile on my face and a skip in my strides.
You light the fire within me.

My heartbeat,
There is no blackness when you are here.
You are my strength in shaky places,
My life and my reason
I live because I love you and I'm loved by you


(C) 2010 Arielle Ajibade

Monday, 17 May 2010

I'm Good At It!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely week and weekend.  During the weekend, a friend of mine shared this with me. I found it insightful and I thought I'd share with my friends too :-)
You know that way when you see something new in a bible story you've read dozen of times and you wonder why you've never seen it before?!  Well, check out Mark 6:48 [...He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them...]. When I recently read the verse it seemed to me that Mark may be suggesting that Jesus' intention was to walk past the disciples as they struggled in the boat? The idea that they could be struggling, He knows they're struggling and yet chooses to pass by is quite surprising and "worrying" in a way. But I've often thought that, with many of them being fishermen, a boat was the one place where they felt experienced, confident and self-sufficient. i.e. it was an arena where they were tempted to depend on themselves so maybe Jesus just left them to it? It's quite a scary concept and has been challenging me to pray a bit more, especially in areas in my life I feel proficient, so I don't miss out on Jesus and His support!
After I read this, a status message I read recently came to mind. It read something along this line "I am good at what I do." In some areas of my life I am like this person. Probably even a bit more self-confident than they. I rarely ask for help. I like to figure new things out myself. I like to work things out on my own. I feel I learn and grow stronger that way.  And this attitude has its benefits in a way, I do not have to rely on being shown things to learn new skills or to grow in my work. However, if I already am so self-reliant when I am clueless, imagine what it would be like for something I feel I am already good at!

Perhaps you are like me and these fishermen. Often tempted to rely on ourselves because we feel 'Yes, we can!' do it (Thank you Obama and Bob by the way). This is not limited to work only. Perhaps you already have those who tell you how good a spouse, friend, sibling etc you are. These people already make you feel you are doing a good job with your relationship with them but how often do you ask for help with these relationships? I believe God likes to share all things with us - the good and the bad, the easy and difficult, the areas of strengths and weaknesses. Imagine having a friend who only shares the sad and weak areas of their lives with you. How wearisome they would be! A friend who shares their happy days with you, you will definitely welcome with open arms during their sad days.

I remember a man spoke about a journey with his wife someday. It was the easiest of journeys and not one that would cause even the worst of drivers to panic. At the  beginning of their journey, his wife asked that they pray. Mr dismissed it saying it was not necessary seeing this was an easy journey so they did not pray. Basically, he was saying he could do this without any help- he definitely does not need a miracle to reach his destination! He recalled this event saying he has never had a more difficult journey in his life and now relies on God more often.

I am not saying that its wrong to be confident in your areas of strength. Rather, what I am trying to say is this: "Everything is worth committing to God especially those areas of proficiency." Jesus did nothing without His Father. If He - the All-sufficient One needed Him how much more we mortals? Its Monday and you are probably one of the best teachers, photographer, graphics designer, cleaner or even Prime Minister on the block however, I encourage you to stop to commit your work and week to God and see how much further you will go -at your work and with Him.

 Always xx

Monday, 10 May 2010

Change is here

So on May 6th we made our choices and whilst we await the outcome of discussions between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, it appears we are going to have a new government. During the election campaign David Cameron said his party (The Conservative Party) is best placed to lead Britain to recovery. He said a Conservative Government will get the economy moving, mend our broken society and fix our political system. Their 'contract' in a nutshell is as follows:
  1. Act now on debt to get the economy moving
  2. Get Britain working by boosting enterprise
  3. Make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe
  4. Back The NHS
  5. Raise Standards at school
  6. Change politics
According to David Cameron, "If you want change that is certain, change that works, change that can deliver, change you can be sure of, vote conservatives." It appears to me that the issues we are not happy about the Conservatives are looking to deal with. So change is coming but why are we nervous? Perhaps we do not like change? Or is it the case of ‘The devil you know is better than the angel we do not know’? I feel I am more concerned about politicians making promises that they end up not fulfilling.

David Cameron also said we should kick them out if they fail. But who wants to waste five years of their lives. There is no way to measure how much damage 5 years can do. At the same time, there is so much that 5 years of good can bring.

Whilst I cannot completely lean or rely on a man or trust that this new government will definitely “deliver”, I know Someone who always meets up – The Almighty and Able El-Shaddai. He is the only Faithful and able One. He has an unbroken track record of fulfilling promises. Through history to this present time, His “yes” has definitely been yes. He promised Abraham that he would bear a son with his aged wife Sarah and he did; He promised to send a deliverer to Israel whilst under slavery in Egypt and He sent Moses. He said they would roam the wilderness for 40 years for their disobedience and they did. Then He said He would grant them victory over nations so they could inherit Canaan and He did. After a while, they were taken into captivity in Babylon. The Lord told them, that after 70 years, He would set them free and He did. Whilst David was king, He said there would always be one of his descendants on the throne of Israel and He kept His word even when the nation was divided. Today, the Messiah - a descendant of David is the King of the Jews. He promised to send us a Deliverer and He sent Jesus Christ His Son. He promised to send the Holy Spirit and He did on the day of Pentecost. Jesus also promised to return and soon, He will.

Nothing happens without God’s knowledge. So I want to look at this change as coming from Him. Perhaps we are about to see the answers to the prayers we have been saying for this nation. For example, we will have disciplined pupils at school again and our nation will once again honour marriages and families just as God does.

Perhaps we are where we are today because we have thrown away basic principles such as hard work, honour and integrity which go a long way to give and maintain success. I have always been on Labour’s side but I think I am beginning to appreciate this new government. Truth is I never took time to actually find out what they stand for.

Whilst I hope and pray that the new government would move us forward, I am aware of the fact that the Leader I truly need to lean on completely is God. He’s made promises and given His word and there is no doubt that He would keep it. I also feel that at this time, it is worthwhile to remind myself of some of these promises such as:

A home for all: "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you" - John 14:2

Dominion and Power: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind whatever on earth will be bound in heaven, and you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:19 | "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." Mark 16:17-18

Genuine Happiness: "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, no sorrow nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Revelations 21:4

Enjoyable Life: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

Nourishment: "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you." John 6:27 "He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty" John 6:35.

Peace: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" - John 14:27

Progress: "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit" John 15:5b

Rest: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Matt11:28

Security: "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand" John 10:28

Unending Companionship: "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God." Revelations 21:3

Victory over the world: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John16:33

Whatever else you want/need: "In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name" John 16:23

I believe in the new government because I believe that all things work together for good for those that love God. God loves this nation and I’m sure the new government means well. So what happens if the new government fails to bring changed? God’s promises still stand. He is steadfast, unshaken and immovable so If we stand with Him, the same will be true for us. His promises come with a “yes and amen” stamp.

Change is finally here xx

Monday, 3 May 2010


Happy Monday to you :-). Hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine was laid back. I missed many friends but this week is full of fun for us ;-). 

You may have read or heard the story of Peter Harvey- a teacher who struck a 14yr old pupil with a 3kg dumbbell in July last year. He was in the news again last week as he was acquitted of attempted murder and causing grievous bodily harm with intent. You may read his story here. 

At first I wanted to write regarding some shocking comments I had heard and read about how his behaviour was justified because the pupils pushed him to it. However I came across this statement whilst reading his story again  on BBC News Website - “But in July 2009, Harvey snapped after years of taunts and abuse both inside and outside the classroom”  and it all made a little more sense to me. Prior to this event, Mr Harvey “was signed off sick for nearly five months and given counselling sessions by a therapist who told him he was too peaceful and passive and needed to let his anger out”. I realised that the trouble was not that Harvey let his anger out rather he let anger build up within him over time. I believe that Mr Harvey's response was not to the pupil's mannerism toward him on the day but to "years of taunts and abuse."

Its a shame that Peter Harvey snapped and fractured this pupil’s skull in the process and I feel sad for both parties as they both have to deal with this in their own ways. However there is a principle to learn from this event. There's the saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Crucial as it may seem, it is not just the last step that brings you to your destination but a build up of every step taken - large and little.

A few days ago I was pondering over some unanswered prayers. The above story has encouraged me however to keep pressing on. I am encouraged not to give up. Every day is important. Every step towards the goal counts no matter how little. 

To illustrate this, I want to tell another story (according to Jesus). Thinking out loud, I wonder if Jesus began some of his parables with “once upon a time”. Anyway, Once upon a time, there was a very horrid Judge who cared about nobody but himself. In his town, there was a very persistent widow who kept coming to him seeking justice against an adversary. Now this horrid Judge was unjust and uncaring however the persistent widow knew what she wanted and she was determined to ask until she got it. One day, the judge became tired of seeing the widow’s face and thought to himself, “I cannot bear to deal with this woman one more day. Unless I grant her request, she will be back tomorrow.” So horrid judge granted persistent widow justice (See Luke 18:1-8 I have told this story my own way but message still the same). The principle to glean from this story as well as the incident with Mr Harvey and the pupils is “if you are persistent enough, you will reach your goal”.

The pupils kept pushing Mr Harvey’s ‘red button’ and one day in July 2009, the button worked (I am not saying this was their goal). The only issue is that the result was not pleasant. Nonetheless, the lesson is timeless. We all have dreams, desires, and goals to attain , if we do not lose heart, we will get there. My siblings and I prayed for my mother to believe in Jesus as the bible says He is for many years (about 10years in total) and she did late last year. We still have other hurdles to cross so we are persistent, and I am sure we will get to the other side. 

Jesus promised that He would return to earth some day, every day that goes by is a step closer to His return. Remain steadfast and do not tire in doing good. According to Him, if you are faithful to the end, you will wear the crown. So whatever good you find yourself doing, keep at it. Whatever you are asking for today, keep asking. Perhaps you need a particular door to open, keep knocking. One day, you will arrive at your destination. Every petition, supplication, thanksgiving and praise offered up counts. So don’t get up from your knees till you see your answer. Every decision, step, action towards your goal counts so don’t stop moving, crawl if you have to.

Never give up xx

© 2010 Arielle Ajibade

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The danger of a single story

So easy to hold a single story about a person, place or people. Take time to get the full story x

more about "Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a s...", posted with vodpod