Friday, 4 June 2010

Days of Our Lives

This is a poem my sister wrote. I felt it was nice and decided to share. You see its good to share :-)

Gone are the days believing Jesus was a prophet Christians worshipped.
Gone are the days believing the way to heaven was through Allah and bowing down to a false God.
Gone are the days thinking healers and prophets were people practicing black magic
Gone are the days of disbelief.

These are the days God called me to be His child.
These are the days of being chosen for a greater purpose.
These are the days of the pouring out of His Spirit.
These are the days of help and assistance to overcome all things.
These are the days of power to heal the sick, mend the broken hearted and strength for the weak.
These are the days of battle against the flesh and return to gone are the days.
These are the days of restoring to original state.
These are the days for me.
These are the days for you.

- Tahlia Ajibade

- (c) 2010 Arielle Ajibade

1 comment:

  1. WOOOOW your sis is very talented you know lol


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